C2 News: July 2023 Update

This picture is from the open house that Avalon Missionary Church held for us last Sunday. With our family are Ryan & Liz Wamsley, two incredible new friends who’ve blessed us beyond measure during our stay in Fort Wayne this summer.

Hey Everyone!

3, 2, 1, go!

Many of you know that we began the process to adopt Zoey and Jayden this summer. After eleven years of having legal custody, we are making things more permanent and secure for the girls by adopting them. Both parents are in agreement with this. We signed the adoption paperwork two days ago and it will be filed soon. We asked for your help with the adoption fees, and we have now raised 100% of what we projected for the adoptions. The lawyer also indicated that the adoption process will be much shorter than we first thought, and there is a big possibility that both of the adoptions will be completed by October 1st. Please pray for the earliest possible hearing. We want to express our gratitude for all of the help that you have given us; we couldn’t have done this without you!

Our time in the States is winding down quickly. Stephani & the girls will be returning to Chiang Mai on Monday, July 24th, three days from writing this. Ken will fly to join them on Monday, August 7th. He is staying two weeks longer just in case our adoption lawyer needs further information or paperwork. During those two weeks, he’ll be doing some support raising down in Ohio and visiting family there, and spending some time with old friends from Bible College and China who are in Indianapolis and Michigan.

As our time in the US draws to a close, we’d also like to give you an update on our support raising. At this time, we are nearly 85% funded and still need to raise an additional $2,000 of monthly support to return to Thailand fully funded, which will enable us to have medical insurance. We specifically need monthly support, as opposed to one-time gifts, so that we can meet that budget. We’ve been greatly encouraged by our conversations with everyone that we’ve talked with and some have indicated that they’d begin to support us monthly. If, after prayerful consideration, you’d be interested in joining our support team, the giving information is in the picture below. If you’d like to talk to us about our support needs, you can contact Stephani for the next 3 days at 260-206-8562 or Ken for the next 2 weeks at 260-418-4726.

Many Blessings,

Stephani & Ken

C2 News: June 2023 Update

Hey everyone!

A lot is going on; here’s a quick update.

We are currently in Fort Wayne, Indiana. We’ve been here since June 3rd and it’s been great seeing family and friends that we haven’t seen since 2019. It’s also really hard to believe that we’re now halfway through our planned stay in the US this summer. We are once again in Avalon Missionary Church’s mission house and will be there until July 24th. Here is the address and our phone numbers just in case you’d also like to reconnect:

7017 Premiere Drive
Fort Wayne, IN 46819

Phone: 260-206-8562 (Stephani) & 260-418-4726 (Ken)

We’ve enjoyed seeing friends and family that we hadn’t seen since the summer of 2019. It has been good for us as a family to finally see and hug our loved ones and to be seen and hugged.

We also attended a week of orientation at Crossworld’s HQ in Kansas City and we’ve been doing support raising, trying to close the gap in our ministry budget. Would you prayerfully consider joining us as a monthly support partner to support our ministry in Thailand? We are still looking for partners who are supporting us at $75, $100, and $200 each month. We’ve included our account information below.

Many Blessings,

Stephani & Ken Clouser

C2 News: Announcement

Hey everyone!

The Clouser family is headed to the U.S. for the summer! We have purchased our tickets to fly home to Fort Wayne for a visit from June 2nd until July 24th.  This will be the first-time home in four years for Stephani, Zoey, & Jayden, and we’re all very excited.

We’ll fly out of Chiang Mai on June 1st and land in Fort Wayne on June 2nd around 10:30 PM. Avalon Missionary Church has graciously provided a mission house for our summer stay. We’ve just started looking at options for a car to use during our stay.  A rental car would cost us nearly $2,000 dollars for the duration of our stay. We’re wondering if one of you might have an extra car to loan us during our time at home.

We’re very excited about catching up with family and friends in Fort Wayne, IN, Nashville, TN, and Greenfield, OH. We’re building our schedule and are looking forward to visiting our supporting churches most Sundays.  We are also planning an open house for early July and will send out those details as soon as we get to Fort Wayne.  From June 11th to 17th the four of us will be participating in a training orientation week in Kansas City at our sending organization’s home office. 

We’d love to see you all, but we also recognize that we only have so much time before we return to Thailand on July 24th, so any plans that can be made as soon as possible would be great!  Reach out to us by email, Ken at kenclouser@gmail.com or Stephani at stephanicramer@gmail.com if you know of a car we can borrow or if you’d like to meet up.

Stephani & Ken

C2 News: March 2023 Update

Isn’t she beautiful? I’m talking about the burnt orange colored car, the Honda Mobilio, sitting behind the four of us.

Thank you so very much. We were able to purchase our new family addition in early February because of your generous support. Our home church, Avalon, gave us an amazingly large gift that paid most of the balance. There were several others who sent money that enabled us to buy the perfect car for our family. Our car drives like a small car, but it can seat seven comfortably. Most of the time, the back seats are folded up to make room for our girls’ band instruments. The small size helps us navigate the narrow roads confidently.

On Dec. 31st, we moved into the house we are now renting. We’re no longer subletting another family’s home, and driving their car. Our new home is a 4-bedroom, fully furnished house on a cul-de-sac, only about a mile from the house we moved out of.

Think back about 8 years. Are you now living in a different home? Do you have a different address than you had in 2015? If so, we may not have your current mailing address. Would you take a moment right now to send your address to stephanicramer@gmail.com? That would help us out immensely. From here in Thailand, it’s not that easy to update our mailing list. Our organization has a newsletter ready to mail out and we need to get addresses to them. Please update your address for us before March 25th.

Quick update on our family:

Ken is teaching theology classes at Grace International School this semester, so all four of us are either working or studying at GIS. Ken’s classes are for high school students and his position is really more of a long-term substitute role. He will finish out the semester and then hopes to study Thai language and take on a specialized role on our team here in Chiang Mai. I am really enjoying my teaching job at GIS, working with sixth grade. Right now, we are in our last quarter of elementary school. This summer, when the middle school building is finished, I will be transitioning to middle school with all of my students as 6th grade becomes a middle school year. I will teach English Language Arts and Bible. Zoey and Jayden are feeling more and more connected with their community of friends and classmates at GIS, too.

Along with your mailing address, let us know how you are doing and how we can be praying for you. We love hearing from friends and family in the States and miss you all very much.

Many Blessings,

Stephani & Ken Clouser