C2 News: Giving Information

If you’d like to assist us with a monthly support gift or even a one-time gift, the link and details are below:

Crossworld Support: https://crossworld.org/give/support-a-disciple-maker

Notes for support: Name – Ken & Stephani Clouser & Support Account: 40586

If you’d prefer to support us by mailing a check to Crossworld:

  1. Make a note on the check with our name and account number (Clouser, 40586)
  2. Mail to: Cross World USA, Finance Department, 10000 N Oak Trafficway, Kansas City, MO 64155


Stephani & Ken Clouser

C2 News: November 2022 Update

Hello from Chiang Mai, Thailand!

It seems unbelievable to be able to write that we are in the middle of our fifth month here in the Land of Smiles. Ken returned from a whirlwind trip to the States earlier this month and is currently looking for ministry opportunities here after making use of a sabbatical. Zoey is enjoying all of the “aggressively nice” kids in her 10th-grade class, just finished soccer season, and has started running on the cross-country team. Jayden loves all of her classes in 8th grade, looks forward to the Wednesday night Bible study set up specifically for girls in her grade, and has joined the soccer team. I (Stephani) am gradually getting used to the rhythms of teaching in the elementary classroom.  I’m not sure I’ll ever learn to love teaching Science, but I’m starting to get the hang of planning the Science lessons. Next year, when the middle school building is finished, our school will move 6th grade to middle school, and I will move with them. I am very much looking forward to working again with that age group!

As time goes on, I realize more and more how very blessed we are to be part of Grace International School. When I started to apply, I knew that it provided an affordable education to missionary families in northern Thailand. But I wasn’t as familiar with all of the ways that the school is able to serve and bless the whole community in Chiang Mai. I would say that 80% of my students are MKs, and the handful of Thai kids who attend our school have opportunities to learn about the gospel every single day. Many of them have a relationship with Christ that their parents do not (yet) have. We also have a program for families who do not live in Chiang Mai and need to complete courses online. And we have a Special Education department that meets the complex needs of so many missionary families who have children with autism, down syndrome, and other learning challenges.

A few weeks ago, the mother of one of our 6th-grade boys wrote the following and offered the other teacher and me to include it in our next newsletters.

Dear friends of these two amazing teachers,

Our family lived in China for 17 years, and then one day, we were abruptly told to leave. After two years in the States, we decided to move to Chiang Mai. Grace International School was a big reason we thought our family could thrive here. Two of our children have special needs/disabilities, and we needed a rich homeschool environment and a good school for our other two children. All of our children are doing well here, and this makes me so happy! 

My husband and I help supervise younger missionaries in several parts of Asia, and we have a passion for helping missionaries thrive. Too often, we fall into the trap of thinking the gospel is something we have to share with others instead of something we ourselves need every day. Our ministry to the Chinese continues here also; we have found opportunities to encourage young Chinese believers, as many of them are now in Chiangmai fleeing persecution or oppression. 

We really are not doing much right now as we are only on month 4! We can barely speak Thai, are overwhelmed most weeks and feel quite lonely. I actually consider myself quite weak and clinging to Jesus. I heard this the other day, and it gave me such hope… 

“People that regard themselves as invalids rather than heroes will make great missionaries.” -Daniel Fuller

Grace Intl School has been such a blessing to our family during this time, and I cannot thank you enough for supporting these teachers. With all the hard and new stuff going on, the school has been easy. And that is so nice! 

We have been so very grateful for the support—both in prayer and financial giving—that we have received these past few months.

We have met the first phase of our 3-phase goal, and next month, in December, we will begin drawing a small salary: Stephani will have a full-time salary and Ken a part-time salary, and we will have company-provided health insurance.  Phase 1 is about 50% of our total goal; our present monthly support level is $3310. The Phase 2 goal is $4700, which will increase both of our salaries. The Phase 3 goal is $6800, which will cover two full-time salaries, health insurance, housing, car, our travel back and forth to the US every summer, and other items like life insurance, retirement, and school expenses.

We still need a lot of prayer and money to continue onward.

  • Please pray that the Lord will show Ken where he is to be involved and how he can use his gifts and talents to be a minister of the gospel here in Chiang Mai.
  • Please pray that we will continue to seek the Lord for wisdom in parenting our teenage girls.
  • Please pray that He will show us where we are to live beginning in January 2023—just weeks from now. We need to be directed to another subletting opportunity (staying in another family’s home while they are on Home Assignment) or have enough money to rent our own place and buy a car.
  • Please prayerfully consider giving a large gift that could help us get a car or furnish a rental home.

A used car would cost around 600,000 Thai baht ($16,000). Three months’ rent (needed to start a rental contract) would be around 75,000 baht ($2,000). To purchase the basic needs for moving into a home we looked at this morning (washing machine, oven, sofa, three mattresses), we would need 80,000 baht ($2,225).

A few days ago, I started asking God for someone to give us $20,000. At the time, we didn’t really know how much money we would need to rent a house and buy a car.  Today, after looking at a possible home and checking out the costs of furnishings and a vehicle, I understand why I felt led to ask for that amount!

Even if we find a home to stay in for the next few months, subletting for another family on Home Assignment, we will need to raise the money eventually so that we can have our own car and rent our own home.

If you are wondering about where to direct some year-end funds, please consider how you can help us with these large needs. If you’d like to talk with us about how you can assist us, use the link below to arrange a Zoom or Facetime call with us:


Stephani & Ken